Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Lego - You shot zombie Flanders!

Dad!  You shot the zombie Flanders!
He was a zombie?

Just a few spots of paint and ink on two Lego Simpsons minifigures.

Saturday, 29 March 2014

Dust Warfare: Axis Heavy Walker conversion

Is an experimental Heavy Laser Walker being tested by Axis forces? Allied intelligence speculates that if this walker is fielded it will be designated Schwer Panzer Kampflaurer VI-LX and take the name "KonigsWotan". An unofficial nickname is "Languste".

First pics of my converted Heavy Laser Walker, using the Axis Heavy Walker and the weapons from the Axis Laser bunker. When I posted pics of the test model (bottom of this post) on a Dust Tactics group in Facebook, people suggested it needed something behind the main hull, to give it 'weight'. I cut into the rear of the hull and added the larger round base from the laser bunker, with a Lego radar dish underneath and some plastic piping inside to make it look like some sort of particle accelerator. The rest of the walker is a pretty straightforward mix of parts from the two main sets. The silver pipes are also Lego, pinned in place with bits of paperclip. There are still gaps where I cut into the hull but with the weapons in place they aren't very noticeable, so I just left them. A good paintjob should hide any sins!

First test model (held together with Blu-Tak), with the Laser Cannon attached to the ammo hopper piece from the "KönigsLuther" walker. I thought this looked more solid and warlike.

Second test model, also held together with Blu-Tak. This has the laser cannon mounted on the parts from the Laser Bunker set. I thought this looked meaner and more agile but it needed something at the back, like a power generator to balance it.