I assembled a couple of crew in their hatches, left separate for painting. I also left the tracks off for painting separately. I also jammed several pieces of foamcard into the hull and under the (broken) turret ring. An old broken file down the middle, and now I can rotate the turret!
I added antennas and spotlights to the turret, but no stowage. The four sponsons on the hulls are standard for a Stormhammer: four twin linked heavy bolters and four lascannon. (So more fire power than four Chimera APCs in the sponsons alone!)
The rear dozer blades were more complicated to mount on the hull than I had expected. The support frames looked very long and flimsy, so I used the two spare Hellhammer guns and a lot of plastic bits to give the assemblies some bulk. The Hellhammer guns have sufficient 'heft' and resemble hydraulic equipment, so it works for me. It also leaves two small Imperial eagles showing for a bit more of a 'Guard' look.
I am considering placing fuel drums on the hull sides, between the sponsons. There is enough room, and as the idea of the fuel drums is that they are used for 'admin' moves, rather than in combat, I don't think they are too vulnerable to enemy fire. (The drums are used for fuel before the vehicle's own fuel tanks, and then dropped before going into combat.)
Next job - paint it and glue it all together. Then it's on with Project Bull Grox - The Baneblade Engineer Vehicle.
Here's the link to the post on the Librarium Online modelling forum.
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