Saturday 26 May 2007

WH40K - Ork Fighta - WIP 2 - Rivets

Added rivets to upper and lower wings, and a couple of patches to the 'fuselage'. This took a long time... I cut tiny bits of polystyrene rod. Then I dabbed glue on the plates with a toothpick and picked up the bits by just touching a blade to them, before gluing them on.

Getting the pilot inside is going to be tricky. He will need a block under his seat to raise him to cockpit height. I may paint the interior and mask/fill it before painting the exterior. I am considering constructing the canopy from strips and girders (with more rivets of course) and only partially glazing it. Still considering whether to add Grot door gunners, and to put weapons in the holes under the 'cheeks' of the nose area.

Friday 25 May 2007

WH40K - Ork Fighta - WIP

Ork Fighta. I scrapped the idea of converting the Grumman Skyrocket.
Instead I used a Tau Hammerhead that had suffered the results of a poorly masked spray paint job. This was turned upside down and backwards to make the fuselage/tail.

- tail fin is from the crashed shuttle in the Battle for Macragge boxed set.
- engines are Star Wars model bits around copper plumbing fittings.
- wings are from a 1/48 scale MV-22 Osprey, with plastic card added to bulk them out - some rivets needed here.
- nose is from toy parts, some of which came from the 'Cart Racer' that made up the bridge of the Battle Barge.
- tail wheel is from a warbike. Front wheels still to come. I might cut a tyre in half and glue the halves on to look like retracted undercarriage.
- the pilot is a plastic boy on old IG jetbike rider legs, with a Burna boy head, holding a trimmed axe as a joystick, and sitting in a 1/24 racing car seat.

Lots more rivets and a few repair patches will 'orkify' it. Then maroon spray job, like the other items in WAAAGH GRABBA and away we go. I haven't decided what to do with the hatches yet. Perhaps Grot door gunners?

I recommend 'Deff Skwadron' as the consummate reference to Fighta Bommas and the like.

(Link to post in Work In Progress)