Friday 17 December 2010

WH40K - Trukk Crater painted

Here's the Trukk Crater, with a slap of paint and ground cover. Paint as follows:
- light grey acryllic spray paint for the undercoat
- Tamiya Light Tan and Dark Yellow sprays
- Citadel Ogryn Flesh wash in the fissures
- drybrush of Citadel Rotten Flesh over the crater.
- Citadel Scab Red, Bolt Gun Metal and Tin Bitz over the 'trukk' pieces.
- Quick spray of Citadel Purity Seal (matt varnish) over the whole thing.

The ground stuff is the same material I use for basing most of my miniatures. It's a mix of stuff bought over the years, but mostly railway modelling 'gravel' or 'ballast'. I find that the light grey is a nice, neutral colour. However, since it is railway modelling material, it is a bit uniform. My favourite material, when I can be bothered to make it, is bits of concrete ground together. That makes a grit of differing sizes (less than 1mm) which looks a bit more realistic on the base of a toy soldier.

WH40K - Battlewagon with KillKannon finally painted (and photographed)

Some photos taken on my phone, of the Battlewagon with BFG. I used paint markers to pick out the glyphs, and some of the weathering. I also drybrushed a lot of Citadel Bolt Gun Metal and Tin Bitz to make the armour and working parts look worn. Lastly I sprayed Tamiya Light Sand to make the chassis and wheels look dusty. I was a bit heavy handed with the last part, but I won't bother repainting. The wagon just drove through a big muddy puddle before the photo was taken!