Friday 2 November 2012

Dust Warfare - Allies Walkers in 'Mickey Mouse' Camouflage

Two MCW-2 Walkers, painted in 'Mickey Mouse' camouflage. I just cut circular shapes out of masking tape and masked off the walkers. I separated the legs, hulls and turrets (easy to do on these models) and painted them with Citadel Black undercoat and a dash of Tamiya NATO Black, both straight from the spray can.

Painters with more skill and time (and patience) than I have would have done a better job, but I am happy with these. Any overspray or missed bits will be covered with weathering, 'battle damage' etc. That's the easy part of painting armoured vehicles over, say, aircraft.

I will also paint weapons and mechanical bits in appropriate colours, and then decided how to decorate the bases.

[Some notes on realism: because I rushed this job, I didn't try to make each vehicle's camouflage paint job identical (poor OPSEC!). I also didn't try to replicate the original 'Mickey Mouse' camouflage scheme; rather, I went for what was easier to do and looked OK. Remember - this is a game about WW2 robot tanks, Nazi Zombies and rocket men!]