Friday 12 July 2013

WH40K - Deadly Death Raider... of Deadly Death!!!

The Deadly Death Raider. A Games Workshop Land Raider with extra bits from Scibor Monstrous Miniatures (the rectangular and other panels) , Chapterhouse Studios (the side and front doors), Renedra (the grave markers) and assorted bits (mostly GW, random resin and styrene skulls, plus some cheap chain.)

Sprayed in Citadel black, then Tamiya Black, then weathered with Tamiya Desert Tan (very light spray), bit of dry brushing, some silver marker pen, some actual dirt, a Tamiya weathering pencil rubbed on to some sponge and dabbed across the body, and finished with Tamiya flat clear spray.

Saturday 6 July 2013

WH40K - Orkspendables Trukks

After a long gap, here are the Ork Trukks inspired by the vehicles in Expendables 2, or as I call them:
Da Orkspendables.

They started with the Trukk chassis plus resin wheels from Kromlech. The 4 x 4 chassis were cut down, and all of them were slightly rebuilt to keep all the wheels level (theoreticaly. The trukks wobble a bit on the ground.) The bodies are mostly bits out of the bits box. I added the Ork Warbikes to give the trukks that 'Long Range Recon' look, and to make the 4 x 4 variants a bit longer, so they are about the same size as a standard Trukk in the game. The bikes are stock, with some bits trimmed off to make them a bit lighter. These are sneaky Blood Axe Orks, not yahoos like the rest of them.

I haven't decided whether to paint them maroon to match the rest of the army, or sandy coloured to make them look like the movie. Either way, the paintwork will be very 'bashed up'. I know that I have left the drivers in which will make them harder to paint, but I wanted to see what the whole vehicles looked like rather than build sub-assemblies and glue them together later. Either way, I will paint to tabletop standard, not GD winner so it won't be that much of a hassle. Also, it looks like it would be hard to fit 12 boyz (or 6 Mega Armoured Nobz) in those trukks, but they just hang on as best they can.