Saturday 31 March 2012

WH40K: Deadly Deathraider... Of Death.

I am building a Space Marine Landraider with a sort of Angel of Death theme. I am using resin add-on bits from a number of companies. I still have to add weapons, tracks and hatches, and possibly some chains.

The rectangular slabs and the odd shaped panels at the front are from Scibor Miniatures. I added some styrene strips to blank off the sides of the 'slabs' over the front tracks. They aren't very even now, but I will file them down. I want to paint them to look like stone, so a few rough edges will be acceptable.

The Landraider doors, front and sides are from Chapterhouse Studios.

I also used some tombstones (in polystyrene) from Renedra, leftover from a graveyard terrain piece I have been making for Warhammer Fantasy Battles, and there are also a few bits from the bits box. (Skulls!)

The plan for painting is basic black with the decorations picked out in stone and bone. This vehicle should be suitable for the infamous Legion of the Damned.