Wednesday, 21 January 2009

WH40K - Deff Rolla

A Deff Rolla (Death Roller) is an ork attachment for squashing foes. I found a toy roller which could supply the bits necessary to add a Deff Rolla to a battlewagon or two. A typical Deff Rolla attached to an Ork vehicle can be seen here, at Waaagh Gargunki.

Here's the toy, made by Bruder and bought from the local toy shop for AUD $30.

Bruder Roller toy with GW Ork Nob (Black Reach box set) for size comparison:

Concept comparison - the roller might be a touch too big for the Battlewagon.

I will add spikes, rivets and other details, so if I decide the parts are too big, I might saw the roller into two or three parts, cut out a short section and glue it together around some 'saw blade' shapes:


  1. How does that price compare to what the direct deff rolla sprue is going to cost?

  2. Good question - I decided to get on with it and build up a deff rolla. I might still buy the sprue when it comes out.
