Friday 5 March 2010

WH40K - This always happens...

... you spend a while converting or scratchbuilding something that does not exist in the production range of the game you are playing. Three weeks later, they make that kit. This always happens to people I know who put a lot more effort into their models than I do - particularly with realistic military scale models.

I was inspired by cheap pieces of hardware to use this plasterboard (drywall) screw as a 'drilly bit' on my Deff Dread and a conversion of Ghazghkhull Thraka. Sure enough, the new GW Killa Kan kits have drilly bits!

Actually these kits, and the new plastic Deff Dread, look really good - and whichever way you build them, you would have plenty of interesting bits left over for your conversions. Now I am tempted to buy them!

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